History of Christianity and homosexuality

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Christianity and homosexuality

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History of Christianity and homosexuality

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This article focuses on the history of homosexuality and Christianity from the beginnings of the Church through the mid 1900's. For current teachings of Christian Churches on homosexuality see Homosexuality and Christianity.

Christian leaders have written about homosexual male-male sexual activities since the first decades of Christianity; female-female sexual behaviour was essentially ignored.[1] Throughout the majority of Christian history most theologians and Christian denominations have viewed homosexual behavior as immoral or sinful. However, in the past century some prominent theologians and Christian religious groups have espoused a wide variety of beliefs and practices towards homosexuals, including the establishment of some 'open and accepting' congregations that actively support LGBT members.


Early Christianity

Prior to the rise of Christianity, certain "homosexual"[2] practices had existed among certain groups, with some degree of social acceptance in ancient Rome and ancient Greece (e.g. the pederastic relationship of an adult Greek male with a Greek youth, or of a Roman citizen with a slave). It is understood by some that St. Paul was only addressing such practices in Romans 1: 26–27, while traditionalists usually see these verses as condemning all forms of homoeroticism. It should be pointed out that the idea of a male couple who prefer homosexual acts to heterosexual acts and refrain from marriage or sexual acts with women entirely was alien to both Greek and Roman culture. Therefore both in religious and secular writing the references are to act, and not to a "sexual orientation"--which is a modern concept.[3]

However, various other "homosexual" practices in Greece and Rome were vehemently derided and stigmatized (e.g. male effeminacy, the sodomitical penetration of an adult Roman citizen by another citizen, or allowing oneself to be penetrated by a slave, etc.). Plutarch refers to "the intercourse of man with man" as "immorality or assault", adding: "we regard men who take pleasure in passive submission as practicing the lowest kind of vice."[4] Classical antiquity thus bequeathed to nascent Christianity a pagan milieu in which many forms of "homosexual" behavior were regularly reviled and denounced. This cultural condemnation lent itself to a combination with the Judaic prohibitions found in Leviticus 18:22 (see also Leviticus 18) and 20:13, with the latter commanding: "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." The Council of Jerusalem, c.50, issued the Apostolic Decree (Acts 15) in regards to new gentile converts, which included a prohibition against "fornication", thus the Apostles presented themselves as effecting (among other things) a separation from pagan sexual morality, though it was not given to the church to use physical force to enact capital punishment (till the advent of Constantine I and Christianity).

Many surviving writings of the Church Fathers about homosexual behavior describe it as sinful [1]. In his fourth homily on Romans [2], St. John Chrysostom argued in the fourth century that homosexual acts are worse than murder and so degrading that they constitute a kind of punishment in itself, and that enjoyment of such acts actually makes them worse, "for suppose I were to see a person running naked, with his body all besmeared with mire, and yet not covering himself, but exulting in it, I should not rejoice with him, but should rather bewail that he did not even perceive that he was doing shamefully." He also said:

But nothing can there be more worthless than a man who has pandered himself. For not the soul only, but the body also of one who hath been so treated, is disgraced, and deserves to be driven out everywhere.

The 16th Canon of the Council of Ancyra (314)[3] prescribed a penance of at least twenty years' duration for those "who have done the irrational" (alogeuesthai). There is some question whether this reference is to homosexual activity or bestiality [4] (or both). The earliest Latin versions, however, translate the word in both senses.[5] In any event, sodomy and bestiality are often condemned side-by-side in Christian writings of this era, usually with reference to these Latin translations.[6]

In the year 342, the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans declared the death penalty for a male who aped the role of a bride.[7] In the year 390, the Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius denounced males "acting the part of a woman", condemning those who were guilty of such acts to be publicly burned.[8] The Christian emperor Justinian (527–565) made those who would now be called "homosexuals" a scape goat for problems such as "famines, earthquakes, and pestilences."[9]

Historian John Boswell disagrees with the wealth of condemnations and does not feel that they are fully characteristic of Early Christianity. He contended that adelphopoiesis, a Christian rite for uniting two persons of the same sex as "spiritual brothers/sisters", amounted to an approved outlet for romantic and indeed sexual love between couples of the same sex. However, the rites for adelphopoiesis explicitly state that the union is not a "carnal" one. Boswell also drew attention to Saints Sergius and Bacchus, whose icon depicts the two standing together with Jesus between or behind them, a position he identifies with a pronubus or "best man". Critics of Boswell's views have argued that the union created was more like blood brotherhood; and that this icon is a typical example of an icon depicting two saints who were martyred together, with the usual image of Christ that appears on many religious icons, and therefore that there is no indication that it depicts a "wedding". But Saints Sergius and Bacchus were both referred to as erastai in ancient Greek manuscripts, the same word used to describe lovers (Boswell).

Boswell, in his essay The Church and the Homosexual [5], attributes Christianity's denunciations of "homosexuality" to a supposedly rising intolerance in Europe throughout the 12th century, which he claims was also reflected in other ways. His premise is that when sodomy wasn't being explicitly and "officially" denounced, it was therefore being "tolerated". Historian R. W. Southern disagrees with Boswell's claims and has written that "the only relevant generalization which emerges from the penitential codes down to the eleventh century is that sodomy was treated on about the same level as copulation with animals." Southern further notes that "Boswell thinks that the omission of sodomy from the stringent new code of clerical celibacy issued by the Roman Council of 1059 implies a degree of tolerance. Countering this is the argument that the Council of 1059 had more urgent business on hand; and in any case, sodomy had been condemned by Leo IX at Rheims in 1049."[10] Similarly, Pierre Payer has drawn attention to the fact that Boswell's thesis (as outlined in his Christianity, Homosexuality and Social Tolerance) almost completely ignores the wealth of condemnations found in the pentitential literature prior to the 12th century.[11]

The Middle Ages

The most influential theologian of the Medieval period was Saint Thomas Aquinas, regarded by Catholics as a Doctor of the Church. His moral theology contained a strong element of deontological natural law. On his view, not all things to which a person might be inclined are "natural" in the morally relevant sense; rather, only the inclination to the full and proper expression of the human nature, and inclinations which align with that inclination, are natural. Contrary inclinations are perversions of the natural in the sense that they do seek a good, but in a way destructive of good. [6] [7] [8]

This view points from the natural to the Divine, because (following Aristotle) he said all people seek happiness; but according to Aquinas, happiness can only finally be attained through the Beatific Vision.[12] Therefore all sins are also against the natural law. But the natural law of many aspects of life is knowable apart from special revelation by examining the forms and purposes of those aspects. It is in this sense that Aquinas considered homosexuality unnatural, since it involves a kind of partner other than the kind to which the purpose of sexuality points. Indeed, he considered it second only to bestiality as an abuse of sexuality.[13]

An earlier Doctor of the Church, St. Peter Damian, wrote the Liber Gomorrhianus, an extended attack on both homosexuality and masturbation.[14] He portrayed homosexuality as a counter-rational force undermining morality, religion, and society itself,[15] and in need of strong suppression lest it spread even and especially among clergy.[16]

Hildegard of Bingen, born seven years after the death of St. Peter Damian, reported seeing visions and recorded them in Scivias (short for Scito vias Domini, "Know the Ways of the Lord"[17]). In Book II Vision Six, she quotes God as condemning same-sex intercourse, including lesbianism; "a woman who takes up devilish ways and plays a male role in coupling with another woman is most vile in My sight, and so is she who subjects herself to such a one in this evil deed".

Her younger contemporary Alain de Lille personified the theme of sexual sin in opposition to nature in The Complaint of Nature by having nature herself denounce sexual immorality and especially homosexuality as rebellion against her direction, terming it confusion between masculine and feminine and between subject and object. The Complaint also includes a striking description of the neglect of womanhood:

Though all the beauty of man humbles itself before the fairness of woman, being always inferior to her glory; though the face of the daughter of Tyndaris is brought into being and the comeliness of Adonis and Narcissus, conquered, adores her; for all this she is scorned, although she speaks as beauty itself, though her godlike grace affirms her to be a goddess, though for her the thunderbolt would fail in the hand of Jove, and every sinew of Apollo would pause and lie inactive, though for her the free man would become a slave, and Hippolytus, to enjoy her love, would sell his very chastity. Why do so many kisses lie untouched on maiden lips, and no one wish to gain a profit from them?[18]

The tone of the denunciations often indicate a more than theoretical concern. Archbishop Ralph of Tours had his lover John installed as bishop of Orléans with agreement of both the King of France and Pope Urban II.[19] In 1395 there was a transvestite homosexual prostitute arrested in London with some records surviving,[20] and the Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards included the denunciation of priestly celibacy as a cause of sodomy.[21]

The Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Martin Luther's view of homosexuality is recorded in Plass's What Luther Says:[22]

The vice of the Sodomites is an unparalleled enormity. It departs from the natural passion and desire, planted into nature by God, according to which the male has a passionate desire for the female. Sodomy craves what is entirely contrary to nature. Whence comes this perversion? Without a doubt it comes from the devil. After a man has once turned aside from the fear of God, the devil puts such great pressure upon his nature that he extinguishes the fire of natural desire and stirs up another, which is contrary to nature.

Diverging opinions in modern era

Historically, Christian churches have regarded homosexual sex as sinful, based on the Catholic understanding of the natural law and traditional interpretations of certain passages in the Bible. This position is today affirmed by most Christian groups, including the Catholic (1.1 billion members) and Orthodox (250 million members) Churches, part of Protestant denominations, especially among Evangelicals such as the Southern Baptist Convention (16.3 million members), the LDS Church (13 million members), and the United Methodist Church (12 million members).[23] However, a small minority interpret biblical passages differently and argue that homosexuality can be seen as morally acceptable.

This approach has been taken by a number of denominations in America, notably the United Church of Canada (2.8 million members), the United Church of Christ (1.1 million members), the Moravian Church (825,000 members), the Anglican Episcopal church, the Anglican Church of Canada (800,000 members), the Liberal Catholic Church, Friends General Conference, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Relatively great denominations had taken this approach in Europe like united, reformed and Lutheran churches in EKD (24.5 million members) in Germany, Church of Sweden in Sweden (6,6 million members), Church of Norway in Norway, Church of Denmark in Denmark or Protestant Church of the Netherlands in Netherlands (3,9 million members), reformed churches in SEK in Switzerland, the Methodist Church of Great Britain (330,000 members) and Church of Scotland.

A new denomination, the Metropolitan Community Church (40,000 members), has also come into existence specifically to serve the Christian LGBT community. However, individual Christians maintain a variety of beliefs on this subject that may or may not correspond to their official church doctrines. Some mainline Protestant denominations in the United States have also removed language in their bylaws which suggest that homosexuality is a sinful state of being. The Book of Order used by the PCUSA reflects this change. Similar modifications in position can also be seen in the Lutheran ELCA and Disciples of Christ. [24] Although acceptance of sexually active LGBT laity has increased in terms of actual practice and in terms of church law, some of these denominations continue to limit leadership and clergy roles for LGBT persons. Red-Letter Christians propose that Christianity has been exploited by political movements and emphasis instead should be restored to the teachings of Jesus. A number of denominations, like the aforementioned United Methodists, remain divided over the issues relating to homosexuality, with a large number of members pushing for changes in the church's Book of Discipline to allow for full inclusion of LGBT persons in the life of the church.[25]

See also

Christianity portal
LGBT portal


  1. ^ [Spong, J.S. 2005. The Sins of Scripture. Harper Collins ISBN # 02-06-076205-5]
  2. ^ The words "homosexual" and "homosexuality" were not coined until the late 19th century are placed in scare quotes because they are anachronistic when employed with reference to the linguistic usages of classical antiquity. See the comments by Craig A. Williams in his Roman Homosexuality (Oxford, 1999), p. 6, and D. S. Bailey's comments in Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1955), p. x: "Strictly speaking, the Bible and Christian tradition know nothing of homosexuality; both are concerned solely with the commission of homosexual acts – hence the title of this study is loosely, though conventionally, worded."
  3. ^ http://homosexvsthebible.wikia.com/wiki/Romans_1
  4. ^ Plutarch, "Eroticus" in Selected Essays and Dialogues (Oxford, 1993), p. 279. It is noted however, that Foucault fails to quote this passage in his chapter on Plutarch in The Care of the Self.
  5. ^ Sara Parvis, Marcellus of Ancyra and the Last Years of the Arian Controversy (Oxford, 2006), pp. 19, 25–27. Parvis notes that "although the Latin versions all hedged their bets and translated the word in both senses [sodomy and bestiality], the earliest Syriac simply translates it with the phrase "have intercourse with animals" (p.27).
  6. ^ Pierre Payer, in the introduction to his translation of Peter Damien's Book of Gomorrah notes that "Canons 16 and 17 of the Council of Ancyra . . . became the standard source for medieval ecclesiastical legislation against homosexuality" (Payer, Book of Gomorrah, p. 7).
  7. ^ Theodosian Code 9.7.3: "When a man marries [a man] as a woman offering herself to men (quum vir nubit in feminam viris porrecturam), what can he be seeking, where gender has lost its place; when the crime is one which it is not profitable to know; when Venus is changed to another form; when love is sought and not found? We order the statutes to arise, the laws to be armed with an avenging sword, that those infamous persons who are now, or who hereafter may be, guilty may be subjected to exquisite punishment. Some scholars (Dalla, Cantarella, and Treggiari) note that the "marriage" in question may be a metaphor for the passive, or "feminine" role in sex rather than a literal reference to a same-sex parody of marriage. Williams, in his Roman Homosexuality (p. 246), agrees but insists that a literal reading is equally plausible.
  8. ^ (Theodosian Code 9.7.6): All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning a man's body, acting the part of a woman's to the sufferance of alien sex (for they appear not to be different from women), shall expiate a crime of this kind in avenging flames in the sight of the people.
  9. ^ Justinian Novels 77, 144
  10. ^ R. W. Southern, Saint Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape (Cambridge, 1990), pp. 149–150.
  11. ^ Pierre J. Payer, Sex and the Penitentials (Toronto, 1984), pp. 135–139 and passim. Boswell attempts to dismiss four hundred years' worth of penitentials in a few paragraphs of Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, pp. 180–183.
  12. ^ http://www.newadvent.org/summa/200308.htm
  13. ^ http://www.newadvent.org/summa/315411.htm and http://www.newadvent.org/summa/315412.htm
  14. ^ http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/homo-damian1.html
  15. ^ http://www.luc.edu/publications/medieval/vol11/11ch5.html
  16. ^ http://helpthebishops.com/StPeterDamian.htm
  17. ^ http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/apocalypse/primary/scivias.html
  18. ^ http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/alain-sel.html
  19. ^ http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/bioj2/john04.html
  20. ^ http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1395rykener.html
  21. ^ http://www3.calvarychapel.com/ccbcgermany/histdoc04.htm
  22. ^ Plass, Ewald Martin. What Luther Says: An Anthology, Volume 1, 1959. p. 134.
  23. ^ "What is the denomination’s position on homosexuality?". The United Methodist Church. http://archives.umc.org/interior.asp?mid=1324. Retrieved 2007–06–24. 
  24. ^ Christian Post:Lutherans Narrowly Adopt New Sexuality Statement
  25. ^ "Reconciling Ministries Network". http://www.rmnetwork.org. 

Further reading